The P2P process is winding down, with the final report scheduled to be published on June 16th. The public comment saga has not been resolved, and the truth of what happened is buried in typical bureaucratic responses.
As I have previously documented, the NIH Office of Disease Prevention’s first release of P2P public comments pursuant to a FOIA request was woefully incomplete. When I brought this to NIH’s attention by filing a FOIA appeal, ODP discovered that “one set” of comments had been “misplaced.” ODP corrected the error by providing those comments to the P2P Panel and also giving them time to further revise the report if they wished to do so. However, the second FOIA release was also missing comments, and I continued my appeal. The Office of the Inspector General declined to act on my complaint, and NIH’s Office of Management Assessment has reportedly told ODP that their public comment process complied with NIH policy and federal regulations.
Last week, the FOIA office released another set of documents, consisting entirely of comments and questions submitted by the public during the December 2014 P2P meeting. The release did not include the six missing public comments I had identified, nor any other missing comments. To their credit, the FOIA office provided me with a detailed description of the multiple document searches undertaken by ODP. Those searches have been thorough, but the search results do not line up with the rest of the facts.
The letter identified four comments contained in the P2P Library on this website which ODP has no record of receiving: Friedman, Sean, Green and Edsberg. Dr. Friedman’s comments were sent directly to P2P chairman Dr. Carmen Green, so it follows that ODP would have no record of his comments. Sean’s comments were actually included in the second FOIA release (so I have no idea why ODP would claim they have no record of it). H.I. Green’s comments were sent by regular mail. Given that ODP has no record of receiving it, we have to wonder if other comments were submitted by regular mail and not logged by ODP. There is no explanation for why Edsberg’s comments were not received by ODP since they were emailed to the correct email address: prevention @
However, there are four additional comments missing from the FOIA releases: Fero, Moore, Patton, and Heppner. NIH did not state there was no record of these comments, but none of these were included in the FOIA releases. I spoke with the NIH FOIA office and brought this to their attention. After further discussion with ODP, they sent me a letter stating “NIH neither confirms nor denies the existence of any responsive records because their identities as commenters are protected from release” pursuant to the privacy exemption under FOIA. That sounds like NIH is saying they received those four comments, but NIH has not included them in any of the FOIA releases.
So here is the contradiction: NIH states the searches have been adequate. NIH identified by name the comments they did not receive (Green and Edsberg). NIH refuses to identify by name four other comments, which implies that NIH received them. But those four comments were not included in the FOIA releases, suggesting that NIH does not have them. Which is it? If the search and FOIA production are complete and accurate, then we have at least six comments that were not sent to the P2P Panel. Either that, or the comments were sent to the Panel, in which case the FOIA production is not accurate. It can’t be both.
Given the imminent release of the Panel’s report, I proposed a solution to Dr. David Murray, Director of ODP. Rather than continue to go around in circles about this, I suggested that a caveat be added to the Panel’s report, both in the Annals of Internal Medicine and the online version. Specifically, I suggested that the caveat state: “Due to administrative error, several public comments were not provided to the panel prior to the finalization of this report.” This would maintain transparency and accountability for the error, but also convey the scale of the error and allow publication to proceed.
Dr. Murray responded: “We are confident that all of the comments that we received from the public, either during the meeting or during the public comment period, were shared with the panel and were considered by the panel in developing their final report. As such, we will go forward as planned with the release and publication of the final report on June 16.”
So we are left with a number of questions: Did ODP receive the four comments missing from the release? Were all the comments sent to the Panel? Are there other comments not submitted to the P2P Library that were lost by ODP? We can’t answer these questions, and NIH’s answers still don’t match up with the documents released.
The final P2P report will be published on June 16th (and there will be a telebriefing that day). How many changes did the Panel make to its draft? Will the report reflect the input of the public comments? And the biggest question of all: what will NIH do in response to these recommendations?
Very Very Aware
But here’s the thing: we are just preaching to the choir.
If you read my blog, you are already aware of ME/CFS. If you tune in to any of the awareness activities with more than cursory, passing attention, chances are you are already aware of ME/CFS. Does lighting up Niagara Falls actually spur people who know nothing about the disease to look it up and learn something? Do we even know what the tipping point would be – how much awareness activity saturation you need in order to get strangers to pay attention? I’m not saying these activities are pointless, but we should be very cognizant of the fact that the likely impact is small.
But the politicians and policy makers, you say. What about increasing their awareness? Yes, that is important, and I know that my own Congressmen have a limited level of awareness and concern. Finding ways to increase that could be helpful – if we ever have the resources to launch a legislative campaign.
The people who really need to be aware are the decision makers at CDC, NIH, and HHS. And I am telling you that they are already aware. These agency personnel recognize ME/CFS is a serious disease and an unmet need. They know this. Dr. Francis Collins (Director, NIH) is aware of ME/CFS. CDC is aware. FDA is aware. HHS Secretary Burwell is very aware. These people know about ME/CFS.
The problem is not awareness. The problem is that they are aware, and yet they do not respond with the urgency and commitment required. They are aware, and yet they will not commit more resources to address the science gap. They are aware, and yet we still hear the same excuses that there is no money, the science is hard, we don’t know what we’re studying, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
Do you want to talk about awareness? I am very aware that my mother spent the last twenty years of her too-short life watching me struggle with this disease. I am very aware that my mother actually feared I had AIDS at one point because I was so sick, so suddenly. I am very aware that I will never run or dance with my niece, and I will never hike with my husband. I am very aware that this illness stole my choice to have children and the career I worked my ass off to build.
Wearing a blue ribbon? Lighting up a building? Writing this blog post? This changes nothing. Even an incremental uptick in awareness is a microscopic drop in the bucket towards building a critical mass of public pressure.
Awareness Day? Great. You are already aware. Our policymakers are already aware. And I am very very very aware that this changes nothing, accomplishes nothing. Because if awareness was enough, we would already have made progress.
We will not see the change that we need and the resource investment that we need until we find a way to leverage the awareness into action. The policy makers will not change their actions and decisions until we force them to. And we will be better served if every single advocate and organization becomes aware of that.